Halloween Costume FAIL
The idea of slapping the term "FAIL" onto the title of something whenever someone does something wrong, nonsensical, or outright stupid is now a meme. A FAIL is usually funny, sometimes humiliating, and often painful.
A meme is a unit of culture. A meme can be nearly anything; a phrase, a jingle, a logo, a practice. They propagate, survive, spread, are imitated, mutate, and sometimes find themselves extinct. Memes are the units by which ideas are transfered from one person to another; when they spread rapidly, it is said they turn viral.
The FAIL Blog was created in January 2008 to document these FAILs and has quite the monopoly on those pictures and videos which exemplify the FAIL at its best. If you haven't heard of them, check out their blog and/or download their iPhone app.
Here is our list of the Top 10 Food and Cooking-Related FAIL Videos, sante.
10. Cooking FAILs! - from OriginalNakedChef
"We're going to make mashed potato, one of the simplest things in the world to do." Unfortunately, it takes 30 takes and a whole hard drive of digital memory. This is why we haven't posted many videos on Papawow.
9. Cooking Show FAIL - from failblog (picking on Sarah Lee)
[pulls meatloaf out of oven] "Look at that," says Sarah. Yea Sarah? It looks like you cleaned the elephant cage at the Los Angeles Zoo. Don't tell me you're going to serve that.
8. McDonald's FAIL - from failblog
Mmm, Deep Fried Chicken Head. Well, maybe it did come from the McDonalds in Chinatown. I like how it had the comb and the wattles intact. Delicious.
7. Baking FAIL - from meatwadisemo
Note to burgeoning Food Network Star. Next time you try and batter your hair, use a stand mixer... that would be far more hilarious.
6. Pizza Delivery Fail - from failblog
I doubt this is real, but we have all been miffed in one way or another by having our pizza delivered. Maybe not this bad though.
5. Chef Rage FAIL - from failblog
This is pretty gangsta. We've all had bosses we wished someone would have lit up like that.
4. Food Critic FAIL - from failblog
Just goes to show that being a guest judge on a cooking show does not alow you to make up your own words. Having a lot of peas does not make something have "much pea-ness going on."
3. BBQ FAIL - from TheDarkSoldier09
Rule #1 about BBQ: Don't use a gas can to stoke the fire. There are better ways to get it going when it smolders.
2. Food Network nuts FAIL - from thebigflashbomb
"Everyone's going to love snacking on my nuts."
1. Three Sheets with Zane Lamprey - from FineLivingNetwork (not a FAIL unto itself, but there are several fails inside and who doesn't like Zane Lamprey and all his nonsense?)