I have been trying to eat breakfast more often, and the irony with that is I become hungry for lunch sooner than if I skip it.  Go figure.  In any case, I have reunited with a favorite cereal from the past, Grape Nuts.  Although they have no grapes or nuts in them, they're still delicious.  They do; however, take forever to chew and eat.  A big bowl can take 20 minutes or more.

On a humorous note, I found buckets of Cheese Balls at a drugstore that literally came with little plastic shovels.  I hope that the shovels were intended for some other purpose besides plowing Cheese Balls into your face but they looked hilarious nonetheless.  I had lunch at Romano's Macaroni Grill and was pleasantly surprised at the quality.

We made a trip to The Pint House in Fullerton, CA for some local drafts from the Bootleggers Brewery.  We polished off a bunch of veggies with a frittata one morning. We had brunch at Sapphire in Laguna Beach and gelato at Gelato Paradiso down the stret.  Both were excellent.

I found a Mexican restaurant in Encinitas, CA that has Jamiaca and Horchata on tap in the fountain, more Mexican joint need that.  I also bought some Ice Breakers gum which has a high content of Zylitol and is supposed to prevent cavities.  Too bad it is so difficult to find.

If you are wondering about all the cafeteria food at the end of the slideshow, well, we had a baby.  We have been in the hospital for several days and although it is no Macaroni Grill, the food here really isn't that bad.  It will be good to go home tomorrow.

Authordavid koch