Delicious Cocktail Wienies
10. Top 10 Foods with Funny Names (via the Los Angeles Foodie)
With such classics as Super Dickmann's, Mini Dickmann's, Cock Soup Mix, and Fart Juice how could you go wrong? I didn't know that Heinz made a microwavable Spotted Dick Sponge Pudding in a can! Sounds scrumptious!
9. 10 Great Health Foods for Eating Well (via the Mayo Clinic)
Well, hasn't this subject been beaten like a filthy rug on a windy day? I thought this was interesting because it is from the freaking Mayo Clinic, not, bestfoodsforstaying, or Let's get real, the list starts with Apples, Almonds, and Blueberries...
8. Top 10 Mispronounced Foodie Words (via Chicago Tribune)
I've been told that Bruschetta can be correctly pronounced at least two different ways but confusing Chicken Mole with a dish consisting of a flightless bird with a dark spot on its skin is unacceptable. Pączki? They got me on that one but I think there are at least two more common ones they missed: chipotle and asiago. No Vern, it isn't che-pote-el and ah-see-ah-joe.
7. Top 10 Food Hacks (via Lifehacker)
First there's the old "Open a banana like a monkey" trick. Hint: don't tear it from the stem. Then there's the "DIY microwave popcorn hack" and the "Making Super Mario-style mushrooms from radishes" how-to guide. Lastly, they teach you how to make edible shot glasses. Do all four hacks at the same party and you unlock a badge on Foursquare!
6. Top 10 Food Trends for 2010 (via Epicurious)
Lamb is in, Pork is out. Home Made Beer is in, Mad-Science Cocktails are out. Mini Whoopie Pies are in, Mini Cupcakes are out. Vancouver is in, Barcelona is out... I'm so bummed right now because I just booked my tickets for the 1st Annual Spanish Basil-Lavender Gin and Tonic, Cupcakes, and Chorizo Tour. I leave in May.
5. Top 10 Foods Only America Could Have Invented (via the Endless Simmer)
From staples such as a ground pig parts, dipped in batter, skewered with a stick, and deep fried (the Corn Dog) - to more delicacies like impaling a turkey with a duck, that's been impaled with a chicken, that's been packed like a musket with sausage stuffing (the Turducken), this is a solid Top 10 of American gluttony.
4. Top 10 Common Food Poisoning Risks (via the New York Times)
"Each year, about 76 million people in the United States become ill from the food they eat, and about 5,000 of them die, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.
Harmful bacteria are the most common cause of food-borne illnesses..."
3. Top 10 Food Related Stand-up Comedy Bits (via LA Weekly) - Mature Audiences
The highlights? 9 minutes with Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor III talking mostly about Chinese food. CK Lewis discussing how he won't even try duck vaginas lest he finds out how much he likes them. There is also Patton Oswald lamenting on how KFC piles everything they have in to their Famous Bowl, and we Americans proceed to eat out of them like dogs.
2. Top 10 Most Common Ingredients in Fast Food (via The Learning Channel)
Would it surprise you if I told you that there are 67 ingredients in a Big Mac? How about if I told you that Xanthan Gum was in a lot of fast food? Do you know what Xanthan Gum is? It is produced by the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris and is used as a thickening agent and stabilizer the world over. Enjoy!
1. 10 Food Feuds (via Chow)
The list includes such [sort of] heavyweights as Jerry Seinfeld's wife, Scanwich, and Rick's Original Philly Steaks. They close each showdown with classic quotes as: "The intern has been dealt with, we took away his zero pay," "Mr. McFarland called the allegation that he was a Caesar salad thief ‘a pretty ridiculous claim,’” and “I want to be a good neighbor, but I am nobody’s fool, and nobody’s pushover, and I should not have to carry a baseball bat on my truck in order to sell cupcakes.”