Samoas vs. Caramel deLites
Have you ever wondered why are there Samoas AND Caramel deLites?
- Do-si-dos AND Peanut Butter Sandwiches?
- Trefoils AND Shortbread?
- Tagalongs AND Peanut Butter Patties?
- All Abouts AND Thanks-A-Lots?
- Lemon Chalet Cremes AND Lemonades?
The reason is there are 2 major companies that produce the cookies for the Girl Scouts and they keep some of the names to themselves. There is Little Brownie Bakers - and there is ABC Bakers both making Cookies for the Girl Scouts.
From Wikipedia: "Little Brownie Bakers (LBB), a subsidiary of Keebler (which is owned by Kellogg's); and ABC Bakers, a subsidiary of Interbake Food (which is owned by George Weston Limited.) ABC Bakers has been making cookies for the Girl Scouts since 1939."
I always thought the different names were regional (like places with a heavy Pacific Islander population had somehow rejected the name "Samoas." However, I found another juicy tidbit on Yahoo! Answers posted by Shahid who seems to have an inside scoop:
"[Samoas are] one of the few cookies in the group that has differences depending on the bakery. The reason there are two names is because while similar, the cookies have some differences.
Samoas are made by Little Brownie Bakers. They are circular, with an orange color and are thicker from top to bottom, usually they also contain more caramel per coconut, and they are made with dark chocolate.
The Caramel deLites, made by ABC Bakers, are actually hexagonal, with a more yellowish tinge, are made with milk chocolate rather than dark chocolate, and more of the cookie comes through in the flavor because of the lower caramel content."
Caramel deLites
So there you have it. Case closed.
What can we expect in the coming months from the Girl Scouts? Cinna-spins and Sugar Free Chocolate Chips were introduced in 2008. Cinna-spins are cinnamon-flavored cookies that come in 100-calorie packs and Sugar Free Chocolate Chips are exactly that.
For 2009, they will introduce the Dulce De Leche, a Latin inspired caramel cookie.
Dulce de Leche